AA(Alcoholics Anonymous) Meetings in Akron OH

Saint Thomas Hospital
444 North Main Street
Akron, OH, 44310
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7:30 PM AA Meeting Directions
Pinecrest Apartments
414 Pine Street
Akron, OH, 44307
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6:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Akron Urban League
440 Vernon Odom Boulevard
Akron, OH, 44307
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12:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Akron Urban League
440 Vernon Odom Boulevard
Akron, OH, 44307
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12:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Church On The Boulevard
754 Kenmore Boulevard
Akron, OH, 44314
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7:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Akron Christian Reformed Church
50 Marshall Avenue
Akron, OH, 44303
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7:30 PM AA Meeting Directions
Summit Lake Community Center
380 West Crosier Street
Akron, OH, 44311
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7:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Akron Urban League
440 Vernon Odom Boulevard
Akron, OH, 44307
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12:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Community Health Center
725 East Market Street
Akron, OH, 44305
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6:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Akron Urban League
440 Vernon Odom Boulevard
Akron, OH, 44307
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12:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Shiloh Baptist Church
1241 Grant Street
Akron, OH, 44301
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7:30 PM AA Meeting Directions
Manchester United Methodist Church
5625 Manchester Road
Akron, OH, 44319
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7:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
The Front Porch
798 Grant Street
Akron, OH, 44311
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9:30 PM AA Meeting Directions
Akron Urban League
440 Vernon Odom Boulevard
Akron, OH, 44307
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12:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Emmanuel Church Of Christ
1480 Eastwood Avenue
Akron, OH, 44305
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8:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Akron Transit Center
631 South Broadway Street
Akron, OH, 44311
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7:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Church On The Boulevard
754 Kenmore Boulevard
Akron, OH, 44314
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2:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
New Hope Baptist Church
1706 South Hawkins Avenue
Akron, OH, 44320
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6:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Emmanuel Church Of Christ
1480 Eastwood Avenue
Akron, OH, 44305
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7:00 PM AA Meeting Directions

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Informative Resources

AA(Alcoholics Anonymous) Meetings

AA(Alcoholics Anonymous) is an international mutual aid fellowship that supports across multiple language and cultures to overcome alcoholic addictions. AA's program extends beyond abstaining alcohol. Its goal is to effect enough change in the alcoholic's thinking "to bring about recovery from alcoholism" through "an entire psychic change," or spiritual awakening. AA meetings are held at multiple locations and throughout the week depending on the location. AA members are offered recovery based on a twelve step program including group meetings. There are no social, religious, economic, racial, ethnic, national, gender, or class-status membership restrictions. There are no dues or fees for meetings; in some cases people contribute in meetings to help cover the expenses incurred for the rent of facility space.

**We have no affiliation with AA Groups or Organizations and this information is just to make life easy for addicts in search of AA meetings within their interested locations.