AA(Alcoholics Anonymous) Meetings in Indianapolis IN

Lucille Raines Residence
947 North Pennsylvania Street
Indianapolis, IN, 46204
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9:30 AM AA Meeting Directions
Faith Missionary Church
9125 North College Avenue
Indianapolis, IN, 46240
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7:30 PM AA Meeting Directions
Saint Francis Hospital
8011 South Emerson Avenue
Indianapolis, IN, 46237
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10:00 AM AA Meeting Directions
Ellenberger United Church Of Christ
5520 East 10th Street
Indianapolis, IN, 46219
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6:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Mapleton-Fall Creek Building
130 East 30th Street
Indianapolis, IN, 46205
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3:30 PM AA Meeting Directions
Church Of The Living God
2502 East 38Th Street
Indianapolis, IN, 46218
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6:30 PM AA Meeting Directions
Mapleton-Fall Creek Building
130 East 30th Street
Indianapolis, IN, 46205
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6:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
3535 Kessler Boulevard East
Indianapolis, IN, 46222
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7:45 PM AA Meeting Directions
Talbott House
1424 North Central Avenue
Indianapolis, IN, 46205
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10:00 AM AA Meeting Directions
Central Christian Church
701 North Delaware Street
Indianapolis, IN, 46204
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7:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Southport Baptist Church
2901 East Banta Road
Indianapolis, IN, 46227
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7:30 PM AA Meeting Directions
Fall Creek United Church Of Christ
380 West Fall Creek Parkway North Drive
Indianapolis, IN, 46208
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7:15 PM AA Meeting Directions
Talbott House
1424 North Central Avenue
Indianapolis, IN, 46205
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1:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Woodruff Place Baptist Church
1735 East Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN, 46201
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7:30 PM AA Meeting Directions
Saint Lawrence Catholic Church
6944 East 46th Street
Indianapolis, IN, 46226
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7:30 PM AA Meeting Directions
Talbott House
1424 North Central Avenue
Indianapolis, IN, 46205
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12:30 PM AA Meeting Directions
Central Christian Church
701 North Delaware Street
Indianapolis, IN, 46204
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6:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Common Ground Christian Church
6151 North Central Avenue
Indianapolis, IN, 46220
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7:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Salvation Army Harbor Light Center
2400 North Tibbs Avenue
Indianapolis, IN, 46222
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12:30 PM AA Meeting Directions
Abundant Harvest Church
7840 Ditch Road
Indianapolis, IN, 46260
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7:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Talbott House
1424 North Central Avenue
Indianapolis, IN, 46205
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9:30 AM AA Meeting Directions
Garfield Park United Church Of Christ
743 East Pleasant Run Parkway South Drive
Indianapolis, IN, 46203
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6:30 PM AA Meeting Directions
Woodruff Place Baptist Church
1735 East Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN, 46201
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7:30 PM AA Meeting Directions
Jones Tabernacle Church
2510 East 34th Street
Indianapolis, IN, 46218
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1:30 PM AA Meeting Directions
Robert Park United Methodist Church
401 North Delaware Street
Indianapolis, IN, 46204
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7:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Edna Martin Community Center
2605 East 25th Street
Indianapolis, IN, 46218
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7:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Saint Andrew's Presbyterian Church
3535 Kessler Boulevard North
Indianapolis, IN, 46222
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7:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
First Baptist Church
8600 North College Avenue
Indianapolis, IN, 46240
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7:30 PM AA Meeting Directions
Pathway To Recovery House
2135 North Alabama Street
Indianapolis, IN, 46202
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7:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Franklin Road Church Of Christ
950 North Franklin Road
Indianapolis, IN, 46219
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7:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Talbott House
1424 North Central Avenue
Indianapolis, IN, 46205
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10:00 AM AA Meeting Directions
Friendship Baptist Church
1301 North Goodlet Avenue
Indianapolis, IN, 46208
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7:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Talbott House
1424 North Central Avenue
Indianapolis, IN, 46205
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12:30 PM AA Meeting Directions
Lucille Raines Residence
947 North Pennsylvania Street
Indianapolis, IN, 46204
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5:30 PM AA Meeting Directions
Jones Tabernacle Church
2510 East 34th Street
Indianapolis, IN, 46218
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7:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Fairbanks Hospital
8102 Clearvista Parkway
Indianapolis, IN, 46256
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8:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Woodruff Place Baptist Church
1735 East Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN, 46201
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7:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Salvation Army Harbor Light Center
2400 North Tibbs Avenue
Indianapolis, IN, 46222
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7:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Talbott House
1424 North Central Avenue
Indianapolis, IN, 46205
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7:30 PM AA Meeting Directions
Lucille Raines Residence
947 North Pennsylvania Street
Indianapolis, IN, 46204
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10:00 AM AA Meeting Directions
Saint Francis Hospital
8011 South Emerson Avenue
Indianapolis, IN, 46237
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7:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Mapleton-Fall Creek Building
130 East 30th Street
Indianapolis, IN, 46205
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5:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Lucille Raines Residence
947 North Pennsylvania Street
Indianapolis, IN, 46204
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10:00 AM AA Meeting Directions
Mapleton-Fall Creek Building
130 East 30th Street
Indianapolis, IN, 46205
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7:15 PM AA Meeting Directions
Bethelhem Lutheran Chruch
526 East 52nd Street
Indianapolis, IN, 46205
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9:30 AM AA Meeting Directions
Progress House
2456 North Bolton Avenue
Indianapolis, IN, 46218
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1:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Pathway To Recovery House
2135 North Alabama Street
Indianapolis, IN, 46202
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11:00 PM AA Meeting Directions
Friendship Baptist Church
1301 North Goodlet Avenue
Indianapolis, IN, 46208
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10:00 AM AA Meeting Directions

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Informative Resources

AA(Alcoholics Anonymous) Meetings

AA(Alcoholics Anonymous) is an international mutual aid fellowship that supports across multiple language and cultures to overcome alcoholic addictions. AA's program extends beyond abstaining alcohol. Its goal is to effect enough change in the alcoholic's thinking "to bring about recovery from alcoholism" through "an entire psychic change," or spiritual awakening. AA meetings are held at multiple locations and throughout the week depending on the location. AA members are offered recovery based on a twelve step program including group meetings. There are no social, religious, economic, racial, ethnic, national, gender, or class-status membership restrictions. There are no dues or fees for meetings; in some cases people contribute in meetings to help cover the expenses incurred for the rent of facility space.

**We have no affiliation with AA Groups or Organizations and this information is just to make life easy for addicts in search of AA meetings within their interested locations.