NA(Narcotics Anonymous) Meetings in Newport News, Virginia

Location Day of the Week Timings Format
Trinity United Methodist Church
228 29th Street
Newport News, Virginia, 23607
(Directions: 29th & Huntington Ave)
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Monday 6:30 pm (18:30) - - NA Meeting Directions
Recovery Baptist Church
303 Blair Avenue
Newport News, Virginia, 23607
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Monday 12:00 pm (12:00) - 12 Concepts Study; Basic Text Study; It Works Study; Literature Study NA Meeting Directions
Recovery Baptist Church
303 Blair Avenue
Newport News, Virginia, 23607
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Tuesday 12:00 pm (12:00) - 12 Concepts Study; Basic Text Study; It Works Study; Literature Study NA Meeting Directions
Freedom Outreach Center
1707 Jefferson Avenue
Newport News, Virginia, 23607
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Wednesday 7:00 pm (19:00) - - NA Meeting Directions
Recovery Baptist Church
303 Blair Avenue
Newport News, Virginia, 23607
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Wednesday 12:00 pm (12:00) - 12 Concepts Study; Basic Text Study; It Works Study; Literature Study NA Meeting Directions
Recovery Baptist Church
303 Blair Avenue
Newport News, Virginia, 23607
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Thursday 12:00 pm (12:00) - 12 Concepts Study; Basic Text Study; It Works Study; Literature Study NA Meeting Directions
Recovery Baptist Church
303 Blair Avenue
Newport News, Virginia, 23607
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Friday 12:00 pm (12:00) - 12 Concepts Study; Basic Text Study; It Works Study; Literature Study NA Meeting Directions
Recovery Baptist Church
303 Blair Avenue
Newport News, Virginia, 23607
(2nd and 4th Saturday)
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Saturday 12:00 pm (12:00) - 12 Concepts Study; Basic Text Study; It Works Study; Literature Study NA Meeting Directions

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Informative Resources

NA(Narcotics Anonymous) Meetings

NA(Narcotics Anonymous) is an organization which is community based membership supports across multiple language and cultures to overcome addictions. NA meetings are held at multiple locations and throughout the week depending on the location. NA members are offered recovery based on a twelve step program including group meetings. There are no social, religious, economic, racial, ethnic, national, gender, or class-status membership restrictions. There are no dues or fees for membership; most members regularly contribute in meetings to help cover the expenses incurred for the rent of facility space.

** We have no affiliation with NA Organization and this information is just to make life easy for people in search of NA meetings within their interested locations.